Clinical psychotherapist Slonimsky Anton Borisovich

head of the information and development department

of the Medical Information Center

“Diabetes and Weight Control”



Врач психотерапевт


All doctors with the specialty


Russian National Research University after N.I. Pirogov

pediatric department

clinical psychiatrist

Work specialization and subjects of interest

psychologic state of patients with diabetes mellitus

psychologic portrait of patients with hypothyroidism (impaired thyroid function)

psychologic features of patients with thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism, thyroid hyperfunction)

psychogenic pathologies in reticular zone failure (hypocorticism) and congenital adrenal cortex dysfunction

psychogenic pathologies in hypercorticism (hyperfunction of reticular zone in Itsenko-Cushing syndrome and disease)

character of psychogenic pathologies in patients with pituitary tumors (prolactinoma, somatotropinoma, LH–FSH producing tumors

For every disease group

Main disease prevalence and psychogenic pathologies rate

Analysis of psychogenic disorders for each group (structure, clinical manifestation)

Correction methods for detected psychogenic disorders and their effectiveness

Russian National Research University after N.I. Pirogov

pediatric department

clinical psychiatrist

Work specialization and subjects of interest

psychologic state of patients with diabetes mellitus

psychologic portrait of patients with hypothyroidism (impaired thyroid function)

psychologic features of patients with thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism, thyroid hyperfunction)

psychogenic pathologies in reticular zone failure (hypocorticism) and congenital adrenal cortex dysfunction

psychogenic pathologies in hypercorticism (hyperfunction of reticular zone in Itsenko-Cushing syndrome and disease)

character of psychogenic pathologies in patients with pituitary tumors (prolactinoma, somatotropinoma, LH–FSH producing tumors

For every disease group

  • Main disease prevalence and psychogenic pathologies rate
  • Analysis of psychogenic disorders for each group (structure, clinical manifestation)
  • Correction methods for detected psychogenic disorders and their effectiveness
  • Effect of psychogenic disorder correction on the main disease treatment
  • Effect of psychogenic disorder correction on the main disease treatment